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May God console you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem (Ha'makom yenahem etchem b'toch sha'ar avelei Tzion v'Yerushalayim).



You are invited and encouraged to let us know the name and yahrzeit of your beloved ones who have departed from us. We will honor their memory by announcing their name at our synagogue during services. May you be comforted among all the mourners of Israel.  Call us at 318.445.3655 or email


The yizkor service is observed four times during the year, during Yom Kippur, at the conclusion of Sukkot, at the conclusion of Passover and on Shavuot. During this service, those who have lost a loved one at any point in their lives may come to recite the yizkor prayer.


Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba.

B’alma di v’ra chirutei,

v’yamlich malchutei,

b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon

uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael,

baagala uviz’man kariv. V’im’ru: Amen.

Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach

l’alam ul’almei almaya.

Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar

v’yitromam v’yitnasei,

v’yit’hadar v’yitaleh v’yit’halal

sh’mei d’Kud’sha B’rich Hu,

l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata,

tushb’chata v’nechemata,

daamiran b’alma. V’imru: Amen.

Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’maya,

v’chayim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael.

V’imru: Amen.

Oseh shalom bimromav,

Hu yaaseh shalom aleinu,

v’al kol Yisrael. V’imru: Amen.


A CEMETERY BOARD shall be established and appointed by the Temple Board of Directors. The Cemetery Board shall consist of a Cemetery Board Chairman who will oversee the operation of the Cemetery Board; a Cemetery Supervisor who will oversee maintenance of the cemetery and provide reports to the Cemetery Board; a Cemetery Sexton who will maintain plot records and history of the cemetery; and one or more members of the congregation selected by the Cemetery Chairman. The Rabbi and a Funeral Director shall serve at the discretion of the Cemetery Board Chairman in an advisory capacity. The President of the Congregation shall serve in an ex-officio capacity. Members of the Cemetery Board shall serve until their successors are named by the Temple Board of Directors.

The following have been appointed to serve as members of the CEMETERY BOARD.







approved by Temple Board of Directors July 19, 2012


  1. Cemetery Dues are the means of providing support to the Congregation for maintenance of the Cemetery.

  2. Anyone, whether a member or non-member of the Congregation, for whom annual cemetery dues have been paid each year prior to the time of his or her death and who has paid any applicable cemetery assessment may be buried in the Congregation's cemetery without the payment of any fee to the Congregation nor a fee to the Rabbi of this Congregation. Cemetery Dues are not fefundable should a Cemetery Member choose to end his or her membership.

  3. Annual cemetery dues per person will be $100 payable annually, and anyone for whom such cemetery dues are paid annually shall be considered a "Cemetery Member." However, any Congregation member who wishes to become a "Cemetery Member" must donate to the cemetery fund of the Congregation $100 per year pro rated from age 35 up to a maximum of $1,000 in addition to cemetery dues from that point forward.

  4. The person requesting any burial, as well as the succession of the decedent shall be responsible for payment of all fees that may be due to the Congregation in connection with the funeral and burial. If it appears that any fee not scheduled in these resolutions will be due, the amount of such fee shall be agreed upon before the funeral if possible.



  1. Burial of a non-member of the Congregation in the Congregation's cemetery will require a donation of $2,500 to the Congregation and a minimum of $250 to the Congregation for the Rabbi's or appointee's services.

  2. Only members of the Jewish faith may be buried in the Congregation's cemetery. The burial of non-Jewish immediate relatives of Jews is permitted. However, no non-Jewish religious burial service can be used, and there can be no non-Jewish religious symbolism displayed during the funeral, nor on markers, headstones or ledgers.



  a.    If a deceased "Cemetery Member" who is buried in our cemetery leaves a surviving spouse, the burial space closest to that of the deceased shall automatically be reserved for the spouse for so long as annual cemetery dues are thereafter paid by or on behalf of that surviving spouse.

  b.   Within four (4) months after burial of any Cemetery Member, that member's spouse or any child of that member, may request that the burial space or spaces closest to the deceased or to the space reserved for the surviving spouse, be reserved for any unmarried children of the deceased or the spouse, and such space or spaces shall be reserved if they are available, provided that annual cemetery dues must thereafter be paid by or on behalf of that unmarried child.

  c.    If a surviving spouse or child fails to pay annual cemetery dues when they are due, that person's burial reservation shall terminate as of the end of the year for which cemetery dues have previously been paid.  In such event, the person whose burial space reservation terminated shall have four (4) months after the date the unpaid cemetery dues were due to have the reservation reinstated by paying delinquent dues.

  d.   The chairperson of the Cemetery Board shall give notice of this resolution (Section 3) to any surviving spouse and unmarried child or children of a deceased Cemetery Member by mailing copies to them within sixty (60) days after the deceased's burial, and if any of those survivor's cemetery dues thereafter become delinquent, such notice shall be mailed to them thirty (30) days after the delinquency date.



  1. At any burial in the Congregation's cemetery, our Congregation's Rabbi, or a Rabbi or other person approved by the President of the Congregation must officiate.

  2. Graves shall be laid edge to edge in the new section of the cemetery. Steel vaults are required for all burials. Ledgers, low headstones or footstones may be used. There are to be no monuments above thirty (30) inches in height. There can be no non-Jewish religious symbolism or text displayed at the gravesite. Hebrew text and symbolism shall be reviewed by the Rabbi.

  3. Burials shall be according to a cemetery plot established by the Cemetery Board based on next available sequence. Burial sites may not be reserved except in the case of surviving spouse or unmarried child or children of the deceased. 



A Cemetery Board shall be established and appointed by the Temple Board of Directors. The Cemetery Board shall consist of a Cemetery Board Chairman who will oversee the operation of the Cemetery Board; a Cemetery Supervisor who will oversee maintenance of the cemetery and provide reports to the Cemetery Board; a Cemetery Sexton who will maintain plot records and history of the cemetery; and one or more members of the congregation selected by the Cemetery Chairman. The Rabbi and a Funeral Director shall serve at the discretion of the Cemetery Board Chairman in an advisory capacity. The President of the Congregation shall serve in an ex-officio capacity. Members of the Cemetery Board shall serve until their successors are named by the Temple Board of Directors. 


The duties of the Cemetery Board shall be:

  a.   Enforce established rules.

  b.   Oversee maintenance of the cemetery.

  c.   Monitor available operating funds.

  d.   Undertake contingency long range planning.

  e.   Develop marketing and fund raising programs.

  f.   Cemetery records shall be maintained in a current status at the Temple office.

  g.   Meet in advance of every funeral to review intended plot, procedures, fees, family needs and to insure smooth and professional handling of the funeral.

 h.   Meet as needed to implement work of the Cemetery Board.



Cemetery Policies shall be reviewed annually. The Cemetery Board, in extenuating circumstances, shall make recommendations to the Temple Board which has authority to make modifications or exceptions to the fees and policies. Amendments to the Cemetery Policies shall be published in the Temple Bulletin each January and immediately following any changes.


The mission of

Congregation Gemiluth Chassodim shall be to maintain a place of worship for the Reform Jewish Community of Central Louisiana, to further Jewish education, promote Jewish culture and to provide facilities for social interaction. Furthermore, we shall conduct ourselves in accordance with our name which means

"Acts of lovingkindness."




The Jewish Temple

Congregation Gemiluth Chassodim

2021 Turner Street
Alexandria, Louisiana 71301

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