Prayer is very personal. it is true that you do not have to come to the synagogue to pray. God is everywhere and always with us.
We do encourage you to share worship and activities with your Jewish community. We are a family and we are here to support each and every member. Your presence makes a difference and insures that our community will continue into the future.
Sickness & Healing
When someone is ill, it is comforting to the person and to their family to have a word of prayer said in their honor. It brings strength just knowing that your Temple family truly cares.
At each worship service, we say a special prayer – the Mi Shebeirach (May the One Who is Blessed, bless us). The prayer for healing follows the mentioning of the names of those who are ill. We will mention the name of the ill person for several weeks at each service and our community will pray for their renewed strength and health and return to wholeness.
To let the Temple know that you want a person’s name mentioned on our Healing Prayer list, please call us at 318 445.3655 and let us know the person’s name or you can email rabbi@jeewishtemple.org. You do not need to be a member of the Temple to have a loved one mentioned and you are always welcome to our regular Friday evening services if you want to join in this prayer. (Please remember to let us know when to remove a name).
Mi shebeirach avoteinu
M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu
May the source of strength
Who blessed the ones before us
Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing
And let us say Amen
Mi shebeirach imoteinu
M'kor habrachah l'avoteinu
Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit
And let us say Amen
(by Debbie Friedman z”l)
Listen to the Mi Sheberach sung by Rabbi Judy (click on the arrow below)
HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is to guarantee patient privacy, which is good for the patient because it protects their confidentiality, but not very helpful when the Temple is trying to find patients. Please do not assume that we know you are in the hospital or that the Chaplains Office has contacted the Temple or the Rabbi, even if a chaplain has visited you. PLEASE, I want to be able to visit you. I want to be able to offer you the solace and perspective of our tradition. The Temple wants to let you know that we care, but that can only happen when we know where you are.
Thank you, Rabbi Judy Ginsburgh

Prayer For Our Armed Forces
Adonai, Our God, Please Hold Our Troops In Your Loving Hands. Protect Them As They Protect Us. Bless Them And Their Families For The Selfless Acts They Perform For Us In Our Time Of Need. Please Bring Them Home Safely. Comfort Those Family Members Who Mourn The Loss Of A Loved One In The Service Of Our Country.
O God Full Of Compassion, Grant Perfect Rest Beneath The Wings Of Your Presence To All Who Have Bravely Laid Down Their Lives For Our Country. Shelter Them Among The Holy And Pure Souls, O Source Of Compassion. Keep Them Near To You. May Their Souls Be Bound Up In The Bond Of Eternal Life.
God, Deepen Our Love For Our Country And Our Desire To Strive For The Values That Guide Us. Strengthen In Us The Power Of Self Sacrifice For The Welfare Of Our Nation And Our Fellow Citizens. May We Uphold The Good Name Of Our Country By Our Own Right Conduct And Public Service.
We Pray For All Those Who Hold Positions Of Leadership And Responsibility In Our National Life. Let Your Blessing Rest Upon Them, And Make Them Responsive To Your Will, So That Our Nation May Be An Exemplar Of Justice And Compassion To All The World.
May We Soon Have Peace Throughout The World. May The Vision Of Your Prophet Be Fulfilled; Nation Shall Not Lift Up Sword Against Nation, Neither Shall They Learn War Any More. Each Person Shall Sit Under Their Own Vine And Fig Tree, With None To Make Them Afraid.